Sharing video links, test reports and CAD exports
As soon as a simulation has been calculated, it is possible to send the result e.g. to authorities. There are several options available for this:
a link to the maneuver video which you can send e.g. by e-mail or messenger
the PDF print report, which contains numerous details
the CAD export for swept paths
Share link to simulation video
The "Share Video" button gives you the option to generate a link to the maneuver video. A dialog window will open.
Here you have the option to manually set the retrieval of the video and then copy the link to the video. Likewise, you can preview the maneuver.
Note: A calculation where the share button has been used can no longer be adjusted. Please copy this variant if you want to make changes to the narrow section.
Preview of the shared video
The link provides the following information:
The menu button can be used to display the transparency as well as the swept area (swept path).
Notes and dimensions that are stored at the narrow section are also displayed in the video link
The note text contains the information that was stored in the free text field
Side view and top view of the vehicle combination with cargo and dimensions
The print report
By clicking the "PDF report" button, you can generate a detailed document for the respective variant of the route section. A new tab will open in your browser where you can configure the test report.
The test report contains a map of the route section as well as details of the vehicle combination and the cargo. If you have used your own images or CAD for the simulation, they will be automatically displayed in the test report.
The map sections can be adjusted by moving and zooming. The map section containing the swept path can also be duplicated to bring specific points of the maneuver simulation into focus.
The last page of the test report contains the contents of the free text field (accessed via the "T" button in the left margin column).
Example of a print report
Problems with printing reports
If print reports contain blank pages the following settings can fix the problem:
There is an option for printing in the browser settings. Here the header and footer must be disabled or set to "blank".
Set the page zoom in the printer dialog to 70%.
In some cases the preselection of the printer paper is also not correct, the reports are scaled to A4.
Add your company logo
You can enter your company logo, that appears on the print reports and the maneuver video, in the company settings.
CAD Exports
Click the "CAD export" button to export your swept path including tire tracks and obstacles in DXF format to your CAD software. See Add swept path to existing CAD for details.
Overlay vehicle images
With some manual work you can also create a swept path image, which shows the vehicle at several positions (see below).
Instructions: Swept path image with several vehicle states
Which simulations can I share?
Pay attention to the symbols in front of your list of different swept path variants:
You can recognize successful calculations by the checkmark in front of the label.
As soon as you have created a video link, this symbol changes to an arrow. You can no longer make any modifications to this maneuver calculation! If you want to continue working on this variant, you must first create a copy.
The cross in front of the text indicates that no successful maneuver could be calculated by the algorithm at this point. Here, too, there is the option to generate a print report or a share link. Only in the case of the guideline where steering/bending angles are exceeded, the maneuver cannot be shared.