You have already created vehicle combinations at other route sections on your transport? Then you can reuse them:
Open your desired route section.
Click on the new "Select" button on the train preview.
You will receive a list of all the trains you have created for your transport.
Select the desired train and use it at the route section.
Save existing vehicle combinations as templates
You will need some vehicle combinations again and again in future transports. You can save these as templates.
Open the desired train - e.g. in an axle load calculation or at a route section.
Use the "Label" button at the bottom left to name your train so that you can easily find it again later. (Screenshot: 1st arrow)
Click on "Save". (Screenshot: 2nd arrow)
Click on the "Template" button. (Screenshot: 3rd arrow)
You can use templates in any transport using the "Select" button (see above). You can also use a template when creating new axle load calculations.
Create, edit and delete train templates
Click on "Vehicle combinations" in the " Management" menu or on the start page of the HeavyGoods app.
Use the "New Template" button at the top right to create a new template or edit and delete existing templates.