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All Categories Swept paths Simulate Backward Driving

Simulate Backward Driving

Use the automatic maneuver calculation to create a swept path for backward driving

Note: The automatic calculation/simulation is used for this maneuver. Currently it is not possible to simulate a reverse maneuver using the guide line.

Place the vehicle combination (A and B) on the map. Pay attention to the position of the tractor (against the driving direction).

Define a drivable area. This should be as large as necessary and as small as possible. Make sure that the tires of the vehicles A and B are in the green area.

Add obstacles if necessary.

To define the final position of the vehicle, an obstacle can be created around the vehicle. This serves as a "parking space".

Starting position:


Now start the simulation.

Result of the calculation in images:




Did you know? - You can also simulate a turning maneuver in HeavyGoods.