How do I create a vehicle?
Under the menu item 'Vehicles' click the blue button in the upper right corner 'Add vehicle' and then click 'Vehicle by template':
Now choose the vehicle type you want to create, for example a semi trailer:
Choose the template that fits your vehicle the most:
By clicking on the template the semi trailer is saved to your vehicle list automatically and the vehicle editor opens. Here you can change all important parameters according to your needs.
For example, if you press on a dimension arrow in the graphical vehicle display, you will automatically enter the corresponding field:
Often used setting options:
Add telescopic steps by enabling the checkbox 'Telescopable':
Add manual steering under 'Steering':
Change the number of axle lines:
NOTE : If you change a vehicle record that has already been used in a simulation, you must update that vehicle record when composing the vehicle combination: